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Coaching Programs
Being a catalyst for change for over 25 years, I have found that change takes hold over a period of time for sustainable lifelong results. My program offerings are mostly based on 3-6 month programs yet can go longer or shorter depending on your place in life.
Sessions are done by phone or Skype.
You will want to work with me if you are willing to:
- Be dedicated to your life and healing process
- Take extraordinary care of yourself
- Experiment and try new things
- Tell the truth and be authentic
- Communicate your needs
- Apply new skills in between sessions
- Be the best advocate for your sensitive child
“Colleen guided me carefully and gently, helping me define goals and develop a healthier perspective and self acceptance. She emanated love when I couldn’t love myself. She is extremely insightful, resourceful and compassionate. My life is so abundant now. I’m sharing my dreams with the love of my life. My life shows one can be truly happy, even with chronic physical pain. I was never alone with Colleen’s help and so appreciative of all my blessings as a person with a sensitive nature.”
Sherrill Stropes, M. ED., Hawaii
As a highly sensitive person (HSP) you have high sensory awareness and often feel extremely emotional or in-tune with your surroundings. However, without skills to manage your energy and your surroundings, you may feel extremely exhausted, overstimulated and withdraw from social situations – leaving you feeling alone and overwhelmed.
You may try to ground yourself with sugar and unhealthy substances, not sure how to be around those that are not highly sensitive or not know what type of work best suits you because of overwhelming environments. You may worry that you are “too much”, “too sensitive”, “too intense” or “too emotional” to have the life you really want. You wonder if it’s even possible and wonder what the answer is.
If you have a highly sensitive child you may be frustrated with how to help them thrive when they feel overwhelmed and it is painful for you to watch them struggle.
I have been working with highly sensitive clients for years and understand these questions and frustrations as a sensitive soul.
Together, we will focus on the strengths of you or your child as a sensitive being while creating strategies to turn your challenges into your greatest strengths, making your sensitivity work for you. You will learn to give yourself exactly what you need on every level just as you are to thrive and be happy! You can totally do this….
Benefits of Working with Me
If you resonate with the overwhelm of having a highly sensitive nature…we can work together to help you:
- Connect in with your authentic nature and embrace it as your super power – you’ll love yourself for it.
- Become relaxed in your body and learn to arrange your life to accommodate your gift.
- Nurture your sensitive trait instead of trying to eliminate it.
- Create more loving and connected relationships.
- Focus on what you love and that expresses who you are in the world.
- Have more confidence raising your highly sensitive child.
- Learn great life long and simple techniques for a sustaining and thriving life as a sensitive.
- Find the freedom, expansion and resilience you have been yearning for.
“While working with Colleen, we were able to prioritize and reach the core issues in my life to heal and release them in an amazingly effective and efficient manner. The work Colleen did with me had an immediate impact and forever changed my life. I am freer, lighter, happier, more at peace, clearer and better able to see and connect with my present life and the people in it. Thank you Colleen!”
Ann J, Boulder Colorado
Option 1
Sourced Sensitive
Dive In Program
What you will learn:
- To ground yourself to feel more safe in your body
- How to create clear boundaries with friends, loved ones and co-workers
- Energy management tools for daily emotional and physical clearing, maintenance and stress release.
- Strategies to take good care of your mental and emotional well-being to deepen your intuition in ways that support you in your life
- Connection for shifting your mindset to one that supports you as a sensitive being to love yourself as you are
- To use your sensitivity as a vehicle to transport yourself into a new place of ease, resilience and expansion
Timeframe: 6 Month Program
Six months of one-on-one coaching blended with energy facilitation techniques: EMDR, Hypnosis, NLP techniques (tools for inner guidance and rapid change). These techniques help to release any trauma trapped in your body, assist with shifting old beliefs about yourself that do not serve you, help you break old habits and create new habits that build a foundation for the life you want.
What you will receive:
Three sessions per month:
- Introductory 3 hour VIP session
- Strengths Assessment
- 2 subsequent one hour phone sessions
- Each month (3) 1 hour sessions per month thereafter
- (1) 10-15 minute check-in per week
- Unlimited emails
- Session notes or recording; your choice
- Tool-kit Takeaways
You may choose the following areas to focus on:
“Colleen has helped me ‘remap’ my strengths and align them with both career and personal objectives. Her ability to help me get to the issue and see it through towards resolution was very helpful. She presented many interesting methods to viewing challenges, allowing me to select those that worked best for me.”
J. Seifert, Colorado
- Take Care of Your Health
- Loving Relationships
- Loving Your Work
Call me at 808-224-6164 or email me at colleen@colleenkeegan.com for More Information
Option 2
The Skilled Empath Program
You are an empath and want to learn how to be a skilled empath in the world. Empaths pick up on other’s energies whereas highly sensitive people pick up on sensory stimuli. You are capable of feeling the emotions or physical symptoms of others even if you are not going through the same situation or events. Empaths can have HSP characteristics as well. However, not all HSPs are empaths.
This option is for those that pick up on other’s thoughts and emotions easily. You may have a fascination for intuitive or spiritual knowledge and connections.
Further, you may be a natural healer or in the helping professions and want to learn how to be skilled with your empathic gift without be blasted with negative energy from others.
What you will learn:
- Tools and strategies to keep yourself clear from unwanted energies and energies of others with clear boundaries
- Grounding yourself to feel more safe in your body
- The process of observation rather than absorption
- How to create clear boundaries with friends, loved ones and co-workers
- Energy management tools for daily emotional and physical clearing, maintenance and stress release.
- Strategies to take good care of your mental and emotional well-being to deepen your intuition in ways that support you in your life
- How to shift your mindset to one that supports you as an empath
- You will learn to skillfully deepen and channel your gifts as in empath into something deeper within your craft.
Timeframe: 3 Month Program
What you will receive:
Three sessions per month:
- Introductory 3 hour VIP session
- 2 subsequent one hour phone sessions
- Each month (3) 1 hour sessions per month thereafter
- (1) 10-15 minute check-in per week
- Unlimited emails
- Session notes or recording; your choice
- Tool-kit Takeaways
Call me at 808-224-6164 or email me at colleen@colleenkeegan.com for More Information
Option 3:
Raising/Working with the Highly Sensitive Child
If you are raising or work with highly sensitive children (HSC) you may be frustrated with how to best help them thrive when they feel overwhelmed. You may or may not be highly sensitive yourself.
What you will learn in working with the HSC:
- Increased awareness and acceptance of the HSCs nature
- How to provide a safe and loving environment
- Strategies for promoting his self-esteem
- How to help her navigate her environment
- Ways to plan ahead for uncomfortable situations
- Appropriate ways to set limits and provide discipline
- Ways to promote new experiences and avoid over-protection
What you will receive:
Timeframe: 3 month Program
- Introductory 2 hour session
- 2 subsequent one hour phone sessions
- Each month (3) 1 hour sessions per month thereafter
- (1) 10-15 minute check-in per week
- Unlimited emails
- Session notes or recording; your choice
- Tool-kit Takeaways
“I met Colleen at a Parent Coaching Seminar with a specialty on how to deal with sensitive children. I was immediately impressed by her insight about children, and her sensitivity in working with them. Colleen is extremely gifted with children. She seems to be able to enter their world very unobtrusively, so that they instantly trust and want to connect with her. She also draws children out and seems easily trusted by children. I call her a “child whisperer”.
Colleen is also very in tune with a child’s needs. She speaks to children respectfully, while also being clear and boundaried in a very loving way. She is a person of great integrity, honesty and warmth. I honestly could not recommend anyone more highly.”
N. Guinn, California
Call me at 808-224-6164 or email me at colleen@colleenkeegan.com for More Information
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